The rumors of my demise ... yadda yadda yadda. No video this time, just an
unedited monologue recorded with my newest gadget (see below).
- Sorry for the delay. I blame end-of-school-year-hassles, a trip to PA, a new apartment, and something else.
- I have a new toy: The Creative Zen V Plus! I used it to record this podcast, as a matter of fact.
- Alas, Creative doesn't make any software or drivers that make the Zen V Plus Mac compatible. Fortunately, these people made an open source program that gets the Zen onto my Mac!
- It's easy to censor yourself.
- When you post a link, you have no control over that site.
- You're not just linking to that site now, but 3 months from now and 3 years from now.
- Where do you draw the line?