Sunday, November 13, 2011

Reaching A High Score Presentation

Last year I rewrote my curriculum to make it into a game, and doing so helped my students master the content.  This is my presentation on what I did, as given at this year's Powering Up With Technology Conference.

PUWT Conference

Presentation (Hosted on Google Docs)

Class page

Apologies for the poor audio quality, I was projecting (using my "teacher voice") to the participants and that tended to overwhelm my mic every time I was next to the computer.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paper Laptop

Due to reasons beyond my control, I won't be anywhere near the internet for most of this Thursday.  In fact, I won't even be in the same state.

Naturally, the first thing I thought of was the first grade kids I had been planning to teach!

Now, most of them are able to log in on their own, but most is not the same thing as all. I could have them do an online lesson, but instead I pulled out a project I had my students do a few years ago back when I didn't have a computer lab to call my own.

With some construction paper, a little glue, and some markers/crayons/colored pencils, we'll be making our own laptops.  The point of the lesson will be to talk about how computers are used to communicate with others online.  The end result will be a neat toy laptop to call their own.

You can do the lesson too, if you want.  The printable keyboard template (2/page) is below.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

5 Rules* For Working the Social Net

*In this case, these "rules" are not unlike the "Pirate Code" from a popular movie series.  They're guidelines, meant to be followed when it's convenient for you.  For the most part, they've been convenient for me.

With the advent of Google+ there are a lot of people thinking (and not thinking) about how to properly use a social network.  The typical behavior when a new network is discovered is to dive in headfirst and find every person you've ever known that's currently using the service.

This is completely normal.  It's akin to showing up at your class reunion and scanning the room for familiar faces.  You don't want to be the awkward person that's all by yourself, after all.

What's not such a good idea is what brings me to my first rule:

1. Don't follow everyone!

While the top image is relevant to this rule, the bottom one is even more telling.  Mr. Dembo's a very smart person with a lot of Web 2.0 savvy and a job that centers around community building.  He could theoretically surf social networks in his office and honestly say that's part of his job description. If he says something is too much, it's too much.

If you want a social network to be social and not just a noise machine, there is a definite limit to how many people you can follow and still have a conversation.  On Twitter (the social network I've spent the most time on, historically), my personal limit is somewhere between 50-100 people depending on how active they are and how much time I have to read posts.  Your own mileage may vary, but when I see someone following over 100 people I begin to seriously doubt that they could be following any of the conversations.

Of course you can still use your network as a megaphone to broadcast things, but that just requires more people to follow you - not the other way around.

2. Have more followers than you follow!

Minecraft creator Notch is doing things right, at least by my standards.  The mystery person... not so much.

A good social network is an asynchronous one.  With the exception of a newly created account, you should always have more people interested in what you have to say vs. the other way around.  Following a grossly disproportionate number more than you have following you - particularly when it's over 100% or 100 followers more - makes it seem like you're playing the numbers game.

What's the numbers game?  That's when you've decided to treat your social network like a game and your follower count like a high score.  A "cheap" way to get that number up is to break Rule # 1 and follow everyone you can.  A percentage of those will follow you back out of gratitude.  You then unfollow everyone and repeat the process until you're happy with how many people are following you.

(Except they're not really following you, because if they follow everyone who follows them then they will quickly have all meaningful conversation drowned out by noise and spam.)

If you see someone like the censored picture above, chances are they've no interest in what you have to say.  Following them is a waste of your time and a reinforcement of their negative behavior.  I tend to block people like that.

3. Block people!

The above account was also following 18,514 people at the time I took the screenshot.  It started following me while I was writing this post, and I blocked it before I took that screenshot.

There seem to be a lot of people who feel the "block" feature on a social network is meant for accounts that are vile, profane, or promote illegal activities.

It is.

It's also useful for helping to police social networks.  Any network that's reached a "critical mass" of users is far too large to be adequately regulated by that network's paid staff.  They have to crowd-source that responsibility to their user base.

There's a reason why Twitter has a "Report Spam" option.  It acts the same as the "Block" option, except that if enough people report that account the staff will look into it to see if it should be shut down.

Don't be content to allow spammers to follow you.  Report/block them, and you'll end up helping to make that social network a better place - one click at a time.

4. Follow interesting people!

(Which of these two accounts do you think might be more interesting?  I know which one I'd pick.)

OK, enough about not following - let's talk about who to follow - me!

Just kidding.

Who you follow is totally subjective and depends on only one person: you.  Life is too short for you to spend all your time scrolling past posts that don't hold your attention.  Every person you follow should be interesting to you.  Frequent posts about mundane activities (I'm going to bed! I'm getting  sandwich! I'm studying!) might be interesting to you if you are particularly close to that person, but if you're not, they're noise.

Follow people who frequently post things that make you sit up and take notice.

5. Post things that are interesting to you.

Yes, I finally caved in and posted a screencap of my own posts.  Relevant, I guess....

Chances are that if you want to actively participate in a social network, you want to find people who have interests similar to your own.  If you post things that you think are interesting, the (non-spammer) people who follow you will most likely be interested in the same things.  It'll take a while for the network to build up, but it will build up.

And you won't have to agonize over what to post next or whether or not something will make you lose followers, because they're already following you for being you.

Hopefully, being you comes naturally.

I don't assume that all these rules apply to everyone.  They're my rules that I'm trying to follow myself.  That said, I've found them to be very helpful to me.

If you're testing the waters of social networking - or you feel like you're drowning in the deep end - perhaps some of these might work for you as well.

(And should you decide I'm interesting, perhaps you might want to follow me on Twitter or Google+.  Only if you want to, of course.)

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

What I intend to do this Summer*

  • Take more photos.

  • Clean my apartment more thoroughly than ever before.  (Vampires shouldn't sparkle, but that kitchen counter WILL, so help me...)

  • Write that children's book that's been in my head for 4 years.

  • Write that other book that's been in my head for 2 years.

  • Get a working draft of that board game design I've been toying with.

  • Make more shirts.

  • Lose more weight.

  • Make fewer lists of things I intend to do.

*Assuming I don't get sidetracked by 50 million other things like I always do.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Academic Aesthetic 177: 404 VOICE NOT FOUND

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This episode of Academic Aesthetic is brought to you by antibiotics and  cough drops.  You see, early last week a combination of lots of talking (occupational hazard of teaching), and post nasal drip caused by a sinus infection made me lose my voice.  It's better now, but can only talk so long before my agonized squeaks become a source of amusement for all around me.

So submitted for your approval is an interview of me done by Dr. Kavita Mittapalli, someone whose name I most likely just mispronounced horribly so I won't try to say it again.

The good Doctor visited one of my 1st grade classes last week, before the whole AWOL voice incident, and recorded a conversation with me afterwards.  I rambled on, and then made the bad decision of requesting a copy of the interview.

And I still haven't learned, as I'm now making another bad decision and playing it for you.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

#MSET 2011 Tuesday Keynote Notes

It's that time of the year again, when I devote two days to education and technology ... er, more so than usual, at least.

As usual, my conference was full of fun, excitement, and learning - so much so that I forgot to take proper notes!  I did not, however, forget to post on Twitter up through the end of Tuesday's keynote, so rather than reinvent the wheel I thought I'd copy/paste the highlights here.

The keynote itself was presented by Chris Lehmann (Website) (Twitter), principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PA.

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • Up at 4:30 / Whose bright idea was this? / Oh yeah, it was mine. #haiku #mset11

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • At the conference / No one at Registration / Opens at seven. #haiku #mset11

gwynethjones gwynethjones
by theartguy

  • Excited about the #MSET11 conference today! I'll be in room 336 & the Digital Sandbox all day & come by & say hi! YAY!

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • @gwynethjones My coffee's finished! / Waiting for that caffeine rush / And Registration #haiku #mset11

theartguy Aaron Smith

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • @gwynethjones It's not personal / I just thought I'd use #haiku / Because it's awesome. #mset11

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • All good Lutherans / Come early to an event / And get a back seat #haiku #MSET11 #Keynote

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • And yes that means I'm sitting in the back next to a power outlet for my laptop. #MSET11

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • Listening to @chrislehmann at the #MSET11 Keynote. I like what he's saying so far.

thetechtiger Selena Ward
by theartguy

  • lousy data = lousy decisions #MSET11 keynote

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "We don't know everything we need to know about education" Said RE: 7 students not graduating. #Mset11 keynote

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "Deliver pizza, not instruction" "We need to reclaim the language." "We TEACH." #MSET11 keynote

thetechtiger Selena Ward
by theartguy

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "Don't ban cell phones. Why deny them the tools if you can't afford the tools?" #MSET11 keynote

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "They're going to use them anyway." "[So teach them how to use them!]" #MSET11 Keynote

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "What are our own personal slide rules?" What are we teaching that is now outdated? #MSET11 (Depressed that he said HTML is outdated.)

theartguy Aaron Smith

theartguy Aaron Smith

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "Classrooms should never be defined as 4 walls & a floor." #MSET11 keynote

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • Question for @chrislehmann In drama you don't break the 4th wall. In teaching should we even HAVE them? #MSET

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • Totally amused how @chrislehmann says the word "Awesome." Definitely shows the level of enthusiasm expected for the word. #MSET11

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "If you get 30 copies of the same thing you didn't give a project you gave a recipe. Let them own it." #MSET11

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • "When was the last time you took your kids to a pencil lab?" Tech should be everywhere. #MSET11 keynote

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • #MSET11 Keynoter @chrislehmann is using some slides from Library of Congress' Flickr account. I'm amused.

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • I think the former English teacher just invented a new word with "Probmematize Everything" #MSET11 keynote

thetechtiger Selena Ward
by theartguy

theartguy Aaron Smith

  • It occurs to me that I've seen no fewer than 3 #MSET keynoters advocate for cell phones in school but so many schools still ban them.


And then I went to see 2 presentations by Selena Ward, but I'll save that for my next post.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Academic Aesthetic 176: Games in Education Part 3

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So where was I?

Oh yeah, games in education.  I started in Episode 174 by giving a background of what I'd done up to that point, which I suppose means that's not when I started at all, but that's the post I named "Part 1" so I'm just going to leave it at that.

In Episode 175 I discussed my current thoughts about turning my own Middle School curriculum into a game, including several problems and solutions I'd encountered.  Some problems had multiple possible solutions, and I'm not quite sure which ones I'll pick when I'm done.

Now we're up to the errata, the extra things, the little details that help the big picture idea without making or breaking it.  Also, keep in mind the disclaimer I offered in Part 2: All of this is not yet implemented and is subject to change based on whims as well as school policies.  If my principal glares at me and says "Mr. Smith, stop being an idiot," I've no choice but to salute and about face.

(FYI: My wording here is for effect.  My principal might tell me "No," but she would word it in a much nicer way than I did.)

Quest Types

When adopting a game-themed teaching strategy, assignments become known as quests.  My students who have played any RPGs (A.K.A. Role Playing Games, such as Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, etc.) will already be familiar with the terminology, and those who have not will still hopefully be able to make the adjustment.

Projects = Standard Quests

The word "standard" is used here only to differentiate these from other quests.  Students select these, attempt them, and if they fail they can try again.  When they succeed they get the points attributed to the quest and move on to their next chosen quest.  Students cannot get credit for completing the same Standard Quest twice, though they can attempt to redo a failed quest as many times as is necessary.  The only thing they miss out on is time.

Homework and Warm-Ups = Daily Quests

Some RPGs have a quest type known as a "Daily Quest."  This quest is repeatable - you guessed it - once per day.  Rather than have the students copy/paste their work from previous days, these quests would be worded so that the work done would vary each time.  Sample quests could include "Write down two things you learned in class today," "Listen to this audio file and write down what you think is the main idea," and "Leave a comment on Mr. Smith's blog where you ask one question about your current project."

The quest text could be the same each day or be selected from a pool of quests, but the point is these quests are meant to be repeatable with different results each time.

Oh, and like Standard Quests, these can be repeated if failed.  They just can't be successfully done more than once per day.

Quizzes and Tests = Boss Battles

In the "real world," so to speak, a boss is an employer - someone who tells you what to do and (hopefully) pays you for it.  In most video games, a boss isn't your employer.  Instead, they're bigger, nastier enemies for you to take down.  This is compensated by earning better than normal loot and XP (experience points, remember) when you win.  My quizzes and tests fit well into this category.  Quizzes and tests as a whole are worth only a small percentage of my students' final grade, but as I give far more projects than quizzes each assessment becomes worth more individually than any single project.

As with the quests, these boss battles should be repeatable.  If a student takes a test 20 times to pass, but then passes, then they're showing they've learned the content being covered.  Getting it right the first time becomes less important than getting it right eventually.

Content Management Software

A component that has been part of my course since my first day on the job has been the submission of work online.  I just don't see the need to require an assignment to be created on a computer, then be transferred to a dead tree, then have its grade placed back on a computer.  That middle step seems pointless and, considering the days where my wife's health issues have kept me out of the building, a major road block at times.

I've tried multiple solutions for online assessment, including Drupal,, WordPress (the self-hosted version), and Edmodo.  I've been quite happy with WordPress, as it solved several problems I had last year with Edmodo (I'll get into those in a little bit), is simpler to use than Drupal, and doesn't allow the students to send private messages to each other like  Unfortunately WordPress lacks an addon that will manage points the way I want to manage them.

Fortunately, Edmodo does that part perfectly.  Using my old grading system I chafed at the way Edmodo totaled up points when I graded assignments, but their method of counting up all the points equally will fit right in with the new standard for my class.

A previous issue I had with Edmodo, where students submitted the wrong file for a project and had to wait for me to delete their submission so they could try again, has been resolved.  Students can resubmit a project as many times as they want until I grade it.  As I won't grade them until they've completed the quest, this works out very well.

My only misgiving with Edmodo at this point involves student profiles.  They have the ability to change their profiles, including their avatars to whatever they want.  This could give rise to issues ranging from inappropriate imagery to students changing their names to attempt some form of anonymity while they harass someone.  I've dealt with one student this year already who thought nothing of insulting other students online, and that was on a site that afforded me a lot more control over student accounts than Edmodo ever did.

That issue makes me think of proceeding with caution, but unless I find a better, more controlled solution, we'll be using Edmodo when I start using my Game strategy.  After all, I can always set an offending account to "read-only" until the issue that made me take action is resolved.


In most RPGs, players are able to select different classes, or archetypes for their characters.  Common class examples in existing RPGs are warriors, mages, rangers, hunters, rogues, priests, paladins, and so on.  While I'm not planning on implementing this idea right away, I'm toying with eventually allowing my students to pick a class while  ... um ... taking my class.  Since I teach at a Creative & Performing Arts Academy, classes can align with the majors that are available.

Students could choose to be bards (for the music-themed or drama majors), artificers (visual arts), performers (drama or dance), or go with the catch-all technologists.  Each class could have specific requirements (Mandatory quests? Specific boss battles?) and / or perks (Bonus points when completing quests that align with their class?).

Naturally something this complicated will take a lot of planning to use in an effective manner, so I'm starting to think about it now, long before I intend to try it out.  With luck I'll be able to work out the details over the summer and have students selecting classes when they take my course next year.

Well this concludes my brain-dump for now.  Rest assured there will be a Part 4, but don't expect it right away.  I'll write that one out when I have enough new content to make it worthwhile.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Academic Aesthetic 175: Games in Education Part 2

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(Music for today's show provided by Bre Pettis.)

Yesterday's post was not meant to be as long as it was. My initial goal was the content of today's post, but as I sat down to write it I thought I'd start with an overview of where I was coming from.

Apparently a 2 paragraph introduction can be stretched into a 7 minute podcast.

In any case, as I wrapped up my "story so far" it was painfully obvious that I'd crossed the fine line between not enough information and too much detail. I saw a good stopping point and hit "Publish."

Which brings us to today.

I've had people say wonderful things about my classes, but what I mainly see is room for improvement. If 90% of my kids are on task. that means a full 10% of them are distracted somehow. I need a hook to reel in that 10%, 5%, 50%, or whatever percentage that isn't learning in my room.

And so we look at video games.

Keep in mind that this is a "behind the scenes" view of my thinking process. Nothing here has been implemented by me yet. I may think of something better. I may find out that there's a policy preventing one facet or another. This post is a snapshot of my thoughts as of right now.

What do games have that my curriculum is lacking?

The most engaging games are ones that have some elements that are simple enough to pull you in, but others that are challenging enough to build you up.

The most engaging games have levels of progression. These levels can be different zones, game maps, scenarios, or character power. Angry Birds and World of Warcraft are not that different when you dig down deep enough.

The most engaging games forgive failure. You can play a level over again, or fight that boss battle one more time. This is very different from the current academic strategy of allowing a student only one opportunity to pass a quiz.

Make the class a game.

Something I'd heard of last year was the idea of using a points system instead of traditional grades. Students earned points (called XP, short for Experience Points) by completing various tasks and assignments, and earning certain numbers of points allowed students to "level up." One story about a college professor was republished a lot, but with little information on how it was specifically implemented.

The WoW in School teachers implemented a system with 2,000 XP per level, so a student with 0 XP would be level 1, at 2,000 XP they would earn level 2, 4,000 would get them to level 3, 6,000 for level 4, and so on, then assigned grades at the end based on levels reached. Assignments all had point values - Journals = 250, Forums = 250, Projects 500+, and so on.

What's the incentive?

  1. Competition: Some students will want to show they're "better" by maintaining the highest score.

  2. Clear Progression: If a student gets an A on their first project, they have nowhere to go but down. Maintaining a grade is not as exciting as building one from the ground up.

  3. Choose Your Own Adventure: Linear lessons are all well and good, but different students have different interests. When I'm playing Warcraft I can often pick and choose which quests I want to work on. Why not let students pick between different projects that address the same objectives?

  4. Level Perks: "Congratulations, you reached Level X! You've earned a homework pass!" "… You've earned the ability to listen to YouTube while you work!" "… You've earned the title 'Master Technologist!'" "You've unlocked an extra credit project!"

Not every one of these incentives will work with every student, but not every facet of Warcraft appeals to every player. The goal is to have enough varied incentives to appeal to a wide demographic.

Align the new standard with the old requirements.

And so we get to the tricky part. My employer uses online grading software that has very specific requirements in place to force teachers to stay on task with their grading. I'm not about to complain about this software, as I think having something that allows students and parents to stay on top of student progress throughout the school year in addition to Progress Reports and Report Cards is a fantastic idea.

It does, however, present a challenge. How do I make an XP grading system compatible with an A B C D F grading system?

One grade per week.

Teachers in my county are required to enter one or two grades per week based on how often they see their students. As my school is on an A Day / B Day schedule, I fit under the one per week category. The grade can be anything: homework, quiz, test, project, warm-up, etc., and I can always put in more than one grade per week, but I need that minimum.

The solution I came up with was to stop naming my Projects in the grading software. Instead, they'll be "Week 1 Project," Week 2 Project," and so on. I'll still require students to complete at least one project per week, but which they pick first will be up to them. When I grade the work, I'll list the name of the actual project in the comment section in the grading software.

What's an A?

The WoW in School teachers have said the most push back they got was from parents who still wanted to measure student progress by traditional letter grades. Saying "Well your daughter's a Level 5 Technologist" can get looks of confusion compared to "She has a B."

One solution to this is to assign grades based on levels. Let's say for example that the maximum level possible from doing all the work is 20. I could say that all students that are level 18, 19, or 20 have an A. All students that are level 16 and 17 have a B, and so on.

The second option, and perhaps the one involving the least amount of work, would be to just let the grading software figure it out. Let the students pick their quests (projects), if they complete them they get the points. I hesitate to use this system as my limited math skills tell me that everyone who participates will simply get an A regardless of the effort put forth.

Another possibility is to let the students reach whatever level they can to determine the maximum level possible (less math for me), then have the top 10% have an A, the next 10% down have a B, and so on. Everyone will still have the chance to earn an A if they all get within that top 10%. The down side will be that it's grading on a curve, and in the past I've disliked any grading system where one enterprising student could "wreck the curve" by outperforming the rest of the class. To prevent that from happening I'd have to include some form of weekly XP cap to prevent someone from hitting level 300 in the first week and therefore demotivate the rest of the class.

Well once again I've reached the point where my own eyes are beginning to glaze over and my ADD is kicking in. I'll include the rest of my thoughts in Part 3.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Academic Aesthetic 174: Games in Educaton Part 1

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Introduction and Reasoning
Those who have read my blog or listened to my podcast for any length of time are no doubt aware that I'm a fan of using games as a conduit for learning.

I'm not talking about the "Educational Games" market, that will certainly dominate a large part of the Vendor area at this year's MSET (I'm presenting again, yay!), though some of those are good too.  No, I'm talking about the games that kids (and adults)  choose to play because of compelling content.

Don't think those games have educational value?  Well I didn't think art would help me with my math skills either, but I've learned and retained more about measurement, geometry, fractions, and graphing from my years as a visual artist than I ever did in a traditional math classroom.  True, the information wasn't crammed into me the same way in my art classes as it was in my math classes, but I think that was part of the problem.

An engaged student (of any age) is a learning student.  Once that hook is in deep, it's the teacher's job to facilitate the learning.  How the student gets engaged is the tricky part, but fortunately game companies have been working for years on churning out all kinds of games that people love to play.  Why? Because failure there leads to bankruptcy unless you're making educational games and can convince people to buy your products anyway "because it's educational."

(Please note that is not a jab at all educational games.  I have seen many good ones and use some of them in my classes, but I've seen enough bad ones to be somewhat spiteful that those products have neither improved or gone away.)

So ... games as a conduit for learning.

This is not an original idea of mine.  There's some really cool people who are thinking the same thing.  The problem, however, is that it's a new idea, and the realm of education is a slow, lumbering beast that learns new skills slowly.  Many textbooks still say Pluto is a planet and that Bush is still President of the United States.

I'm not the first to think of using games more in my classes, but my work isn't even cut out for me.  It's time to grab my scissors.

Early experiments:

I started off three years ago in my last position by introducing select students to  Their age and other factors had us only use the free demo that did not allow for the work to be saved, but the results were promising.  My students did not just design easy games or hard games, but instead set out to create a game that was just challenging enough to be fun.  When they tested their games they evaluated the difficulty levels of their creations based on their own abilities, and added or removed monsters, power-ups, allies, and so on to make the game better from their own viewpoint.

Sure, some started off making a level they could win instantly, but they found that just wasn't fun after the first couple of plays.  They weren't engaged until there was a challenge.

WoW In School

I sort of hovered around the "Sploder" level of expertise until late last school year when I learned about the World of Warcraft in School Program.  Here were teachers using a commercially popular game to engage their kids and use it to teach mathematics, language arts (They're reading The Hobbit as a parallel assignment to in-game tasks), and internet safety.

I won't go so far as to say that Warcraft is the best choice for every classroom, or even one classroom per school, but the gains they've made in their program are noticeable and the comments from their detractors have clear and measured responses.  (Example: Those against WoW in school because of the violent nature of the game have never seen a football player in high school require multiple surgeries on his knees after several in-game accidents.)

Be that as it may, I'm not quite ready to push for a Warcraft themed curriculum in my building.  This is more from my wallflower-ish nature (and some legitimate budgeting concerns) than any argument I've seen against the program.


I first learned about Minecraft several months ago when a few videos made using the game went viral, but did not try the game for myself until one of my students started talking about it in class.  I waited until the weekend, tried the free version, and within two hours had paid for the full version.  On Monday I yelled at the student for getting me hooked on another video game.

He laughed.

So cruel.

I even made an effort to include Minecraft in some of my lessons, as I showed in a recent podcast.  They were fledgling attempts to find out what would work, but the results were promising.

Now I've expanded my lessons around the game to include creating a "skin" for a Minecraft avatar and using other web based 3D editors to plan out what they intend to create in the game.

The Next Level: Make the Class a Game

This is my latest endeavor.  I'll talk about this in Games in Education Part 2.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Academic Aesthetic 173: Midyear Review

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In this 'cast I discuss my reaction to our midyear evaluations (I lost sight of what I was trying to do - it happens).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Academic Aesthetic 172: Minecraft Lesson Video

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This is  a brief overview of Minecraft Classic (, how I related it to my curriculum, and some student examples.

Apologies for the size of the download (Nearly 50 MB, ouch!), but I unfortunately couldn't make it smaller without losing a lot of the quality.  Video is like that.