- The new Teachers 2.0 site is looking for a few good writers - ones willing to post somewhat regularly.
- Still looking for good wikis about podcasting, although suggestions have started to roll in...
- garageflowers suggested this wiki, which is good but not quite what I'm looking for.
- njtechteacher has a large list of podcasting links.
- That list of links includes this podcasting omnibus by Wes Fryer - great, but too much for my presentation.
- Bud the Teacher is taking a break from Twitter. So far, so good.
You pretty much nailed it - I think Twitter might be sucking my will (and time) to blog. Then I think maybe I want a Twitter that is a bit more interactive. Then I think maybe I should try Pownce again. Hmm . . . .did I pledge to take a break from ALL presence tools, or just Twitter?
I think you'd encounter the same blog-sapping experience on Pownce. More so, because it's a better service. (But I won't go into that here, I've already blogged about it.)
In fact, I'm surprised I managed to churn out 3 podcasts this week. Most of what I had to say could easilly have just been posted on Pownce.
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