That being said, here's some things that I've encountered at every conference I've ever attended (click to make it bigger):

There's some good and bad in there - there always is - but if you look you'll see the good vastly outweighs the bad.
And that's something that helps make it awesome.
Ah! Conferences! That says it all in a 5 by 5 nutshell. Hope there are many gasps of awe.
I love your Bingo board! I think I made a Bingo in the first 30 minutes at PUWT this morning!
[snarf] Too funny! OMG! we need to SHAKE THINGS UP! but how!
i know...more Smackdowns!
Too funny. I think I could do blackout bingo on this one. Congrats on the netbook!
This is great, I want to share it with my network!
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