Things I will miss:
- The students. Sure, there will be students at the new building, But I feel this way every time I lose a building. This doesn't get easier through repetition.
- The staff. With some exceptions, the staff (and not just the teachers!) in all of my buildings were joys to work with.
- Getting my hands dirty. There's nothing like a good ceramics project. Or painting project. Or any media that requires a sink.
- The local community. The town surrounding my base school is on my top 10 list of places to live.
- The mobility. As an itinerant teacher I got to visit 60+ classrooms a year. For all its drawbacks, that was a great opportunity to observe vastly different learning styles and take the best from each. I am certain it has made me a better teacher.
Things I won't miss:
- Waking up in the morning and wondering, in my state of "not quite awake"-ness if I'm at the 7 AM building today, and therefore late, or the 8 AM building, and therefore will get there on time. (Then usually I would look at my clock and realize it was 2 AM and I should really go back to sleep.)
- Being required to make other teachers complete certain tasks without the authority to make them complete those tasks. I will not go into details here.
- Only seeing my students four or five times a year.
- Having my office / storage area consist of half the conference room, separated by a temporary wall that blocked no sound whatsoever. (I wore headphones for multiple reasons.)
what is the title of your position? - and I don't mean laying in bed asleep or sitting a chair...
AND - what's the name of your school?
"Or any media that requires a sink." When I took a watercolor class at the art association in Harrisburg I walked into the bathroom and saw a sign that said "Please do not rinse brushes in this sink." It made me smile. I like being places where they expect most people to have USED paintbrushes wIth them :)
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