... I have no willpower at all.
Here's my assessment of what's going on so far.
+Only took 7 minutes to realize that the horrible beeping noise I was hearing at 4AM this morning was my alarm going off. That's not much earlier than my usual wake-up time, but it usually takes longer for me to get out of my more primitive "ART GUY SMASH SNOOZE BUTTON!" stage of regaining consciousness.
+Found a good parking spot in a garage right next to the conference hall.
-After trying two other parking lots.
-And it'll cost almost $30. Ouch.
-When I got here Registration had no list with my name on it.
-Nor did they know where the podcasting booth was.
+A few minutes later they got their computers up and were able to answer both questions.
+Kathy Schrock signed in right next to me.
+She recognized me.
-This boosted my already overinflated ego.
+The wifi for the conference is working.
-For now.
So all things considered, I'd say I'm off to a good start. There are a few obstacles, but most of them are either already resolved or will be soon.
More to follow...
Technorati Tags: MICCA08
Great hat Aaron! Looking forward to hearing some great podcasts out of MICCA!
Thanks, so am I - although most of them won't be created by me ... I'm encouraging people to use Gcast to post some samples. http://www.gcast.com/user/miccaonline/podcast/
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